Lawn aeration plays a very important part in keeping your lawn healthy and looking its best!
All too often the beautiful and newly planted sod or seeded lawn areas can begin to struggle within a few years without this key cultural application.
Lawns can become both anaerobic (lacking oxygen) and hydrophobic (inability to take in water) over time - lawn aeration can help manage these issues providing increased oxygen and water movement.
So when is a good time for planning your lawn aeration?
The best time to aerate lawns would be in Spring or Fall - avoid temperature extremes during this application. All lawns should be aerated once a year- though some lawns may require twice a year.
How to go about aerating your lawn-
There are many qualified landscape companies who offer this service and there are also options for renting the necessary equipment needed.
The ideal application would include-
Benefits of lawn aeration-
So be sure to aerate your JB lawn at least once a year- and you and your lawn can breath easy knowing you did the right thing!