JB Instant Lawn Blog

Fall Over-seeding

Aug 19th, 2022

Fall is right around the corner- the ideal time of year for over-seeding your lawn!

One proven way to get your lawn density back into shape is by over-seeding your lawn with matching JB Signature Premium lawn seed

Over-seeding helps thicken your lawn and helps keep weeds from taking hold.

This is especially important in the spring and the fall and will help keep your lawn healthy year-around.

When to seed:

Cool season grasses germinate and grow best when the soil temperatures are between 50 and 65 degrees F. These temperatures usually occur when the daytime air temperatures are between 60 and 75 degrees.

Preparation: Mow your lawn at a slightly lower setting before seeding. This will help seed make it throught the canopy of grass creating better seed to soil contact.

I like to also very lightly rake the over the seed - then carefully rake out all loose vegetation to expose the soil as needed. 

Over-seeding: Using a spreader, spread seed evenly over the prepared area at the rate of 4-5 lbs. per 1000 sq. feet 

*Use JB TurfMend in thin areas and/or bare spots in the lawn for better results. 

Water: It is important to keep a seeded area moist at all times, as the seed establishes, without over-watering.

Fertilize: Use a JB Signature Starter Fertilizer in establishing the over-seeded area. Once well rooted and established- fertilize with JB Signature Maintenance

*Avoid using a weed & feed fertilizer on newly seeded lawns.

Once established- Apply Fertilizer in your normal pattern, typically 3 to 5 times per year depending on site and lawn type.

These critical steps will help insure a green, dense and healthy lawn. 


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